Friday, August 13, 2010
That "Gay" Thing
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Body Legislative
I think we should abolish the senate. I'm kinda serious here. We have two legislative bodies, each of which is maintained by billions of taxpayer dollars for the legislators themselves, their staffs, the facilities, transportation and who knows what else.
The two houses were made originally to balance the power between the less populated and more populated states. Well, why don't we do this: combine the two legislative bodies so that South Dakota has a slightly louder voice in relation to their size compared to California. Then fire half of them.
The unfortunately named Anthony Weiner got rationally upset because Republicans voted against a bill that would have given health care to 9/11 responders. It would have been paid for by closing a tax loophole that has been allowing wealthy people and corporation to hide money overseas without being taxed. So the Republicans are screwing over people who put their lives on the line in order to protect wealthy tax cheats. Nice.
Of course, the bill would have passed if the Democrats hadn't insisted on forbidding any amendments to the bill (They only would have needed a simple majority). Apparently, they didn't want any Republicans to have any input because it's an election season and they wanted to hog the glory for themselves.
Nothing gets done if it's important because nobody wants anyone else to win. We are represented by childish bastard pricks.
I do agree with this guy, though.